Touring Nebula

Flash fiction story

A flash fiction story by Erica Fransisca.

“What do you mean humans can’t fly?”

Xeno stood on the main deck of his spacecraft, where a crystalline window overlooked the blue-and-green planet below. It was his first time visiting the Milky Way; he hadn’t believed that only one out of the galaxy’s eight planets had sentient beings.

His servant slash companion, Z-One, hovered in the space near Xeno’s head, “These humans’ natural means of transport are their two feet, which is why they can only walk.”

Xeno watched as the ship entered Earth’s atmosphere, a rather flimsy layer composed largely of nitrogen. He mused, “That is odd, Zee. But they run, yes?”

“Oh, no doubt,” the stout cyborg waved his wiry tail in confirmation, “Although with a speed barely faster than the babies of your kind. They tire easily, these humans.”

The young captain frowned, “How do they travel, then?”

“For creatures with such pitiful anatomy, they’re still quite intelligent, Sir,” Zee whirred his flashlight and projected 3D models of Earthen vehicles for his master to see, “There are cars and trains for high-speed land travel. But of course, you and I can easily match that speed. Humans can’t fly, so they have airplanes to do the work. They also have ships and submarines to traverse water.”

Xeno retreated from the viewing window and let out a disappointed grunt, “This galaxy is more… primitive than I’d anticipated. There’s nothing to impress.”

“Well, I did remind you to do your research first,” Zee reprimanded, trailing behind his captain towards the cockpit, “You didn’t have to agree with the first place your father mentioned.”

“You sound just like him,” he groaned as he started turning the ship around. From the steering pod, Xeno could already see Earth’s oceans and the first signs of civilization, but he’d lost all interest to explore the planet.

Zee drifted to his side again, craning his metal neck for a view of the control board. He asked, “Where are we going?”

The young captain didn’t answer right away. He waited until the pathetic planet loomed far beneath the ship, then muttered, “Andromeda.”

Zee’s system whizzed softly, a telling sign that he was excited, “Now that’s more like it.”

If you enjoyed this flash fiction story, check out Musings of the Eyeless.